San Francisco

Publié le 2 Mars 2016

As you probably know, San Francisco is located in the United States and more precisely in the state of California. YES, California ! The Golden State ahah ! Pretty cool, right ?

Let me give you some information about the state :

- the motto is "Eureka !" (Why ? That's a good question)

- the capital is Sacramento

- the climate is... well, (very) hot and pretty dry

- a few figures now :

  • the number of inhabitants is approximately 39,144,818
  • the life expectancy comes to 80.8
  • California is the richest state of the U.S
  • its currency is the U.S dollar
  • its GDP reaches 2,424,033 USD

- Los Angeles is twinned with the French town Bordeaux and Beverly Hills with the French town Cannes

- the Cable Car is one of the coolest thing that you can find in San Francisco. You definitively need to try it !!

Sources :

San Francisco

Rédigé par Merry De Oliveira

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